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Pembahasan Buku Erlangga Fokus Sumatif SMP/MTs Bahasa Inggris Soal Prediksi Paket 1 Nomor 1-2

Pembahasan Buku Fokus Sumatif SMP/MTs bahasa Inggris

A. Choose the best answer.
The dialogue is for questions number 1 and 2.

Andre: Hi, what do you do in your free time?
Boby:  Hi! I love reading books.
Andre: That's interesting! Which genres do you prefer?
Boby:   How about you?
Andre:  I like playing the guitar. It's a great way to relax.
Boby:  Nice! How often do you practice?
Andre:  I try to play every day for at least 30 minutes.
Boby: Dedication is the key! I usually read on weekends.
Andre: Sounds like a relaxing weekend!

1. The following are what probably makes Boby like reading, except . . . .
A. It brings him a sense of joy and satisfaction. => I love reading books.
B. It keeps his mind engaged and active to achieve his dream.
C. Boby appreciates the intellectual stimulation that comes from reading books.=>  I enjoy fiction and mystery novels.
D. Reading allows Boby to explore different worlds and scenarios through imaginative realms created by authors. => I enjoy fiction and mystery novels.

Jawaban : B

2. What does "It's a great way to relax" mean?
A. Reading immerses Boby in the same world created by books.
B. Reading allows Boby to escape from the stress of daily life.
C. Storytelling in novels doesn't give Boby a sense of joy and entertainment.
D. The novels reduce exciting dimensions to Boby's reading experience.

Jawaban : B

Mini Dictionary:
Genre : Gaya, aliran, macam
At least : setidaknya
Dedication : Pengabdian, persembahan, dedikasi :suatu tindakan pengorbanan dalam bentuk tenaga, pikiran, serta waktu, demi mewujudkan keberhasilan menuju suatu tujuan positif. 
Sounds like a relaxing weekend! : Kedengarannya seperti akhir pekan yang santai!
 It keeps his mind engaged and active to achieve his dream : Itu membuat pikirannya tetap aktif dan aktif untuk mencapai mimpinya.

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