Conversation : I do a lot of things |
I do a lot of things
ANNE : My name is Anne Hamilton. I'm a telephone operator.
EVA : Where do you work?
ANNE : I work for Metro Telephone Company. My job is very interesting.
EVA : Do you work all the week?
ANNE : I work five days a week and my hours are from 9 to 5.
EVA : You must be busy every day.
ANNE : Exactly. I do a lot of things - I place long distance calls for people, I answer questions.
EVA : Do you help people in emergencies ?
ANNE : Yes. Today, for example, I had an emergency call.
EVA : Tell me!
ANNE : At ten o'clock this morning, I got a call from some woman. She was very upset about something. She gave me her address.
EVA : She asked me to send an ambulance right away. I asked her if now somebody was hurt, and she said her boy broke his leg. She told me she needed a doctor right away.
EVA : So?
ANNE : I said I'd call an ambulance for her.
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